Current group members

Graham leads the group. He is PGR director in the department and leads the core facilities for Micro and Molecular Biology.

Karolina's PhD focuses on Bacteriophage with applications in Diabetic Foot ulcer.

Chandra's PhD focuses on deciphering the mechanisms of bacterial responses to challenge with oral antibacterial agents 

Samie-Jo works on how how glycobiology modulates host-pathogen interactions in the oral microbiome

Elspeth project aims to investigate the use of bacteriophage therapy to treat polymicrobial Diabetic foot ulcer infections (DFUs) focussing on isolating phages against multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs).

Jenna works with Graham and Prof Dan Lambert on EVs and senescence at the host-pathogen interface.

Hollie Shaw

Hollie (co-supervision with Dr Joey Shepherd) works on Staph. aureus persistence and ultrasound.